Conflict Management Training Forms an Important Part of SIA Courses

Conflict Management Training Forms an Important Part of SIA Courses

It’s essential to have a valid SIA license if you want to work in the security industry. You cannot obtain this license if you do not complete a SIA course which has been approved by the ‘Security Industry Authority’. You have to qualify at an assessment or test at the end of the course. You can obtain the SIA license after qualifying at the assessment. The requirements for SIA licence depend upon your role at work, such as door-supervisor, CCTV operator or SIA trainer.

The SIA course is a training program which prepares you to work in the private security industry. You also need to complete a SIA course, which is known as ‘top-up training’, to renew the security license. Thus, there are different types of SIA courses based upon the varying needs of different individuals.

The content of SIA courses cover different topics, such as first-aid, health and safety, communication skills, conflict management/resolution and legislation relevant to the security industry. The Level 3 CM training forms an essential part of the SIA courses because the need for trained security personnel who are skilled in conflict management cannot be overlooked.

The demand of security personnel with SIA license has increased over the past few years in different types of commercial buildings, in residential complexes and in public offices. A security guard with SIA license has to complete Level 3 Conflict Management Course. It enables them to properly resolve any conflict while ensuring as little disturbance as possible.

If the security personnel are not trained in conflict management, then conflicts arising within business facilities, entertainment facilities, government buildings or other areas may have drastic implications. The inappropriate handling of conflicts may tarnish a business’ reputation. It may lower customers’ or guests’ confidence in a business leading to loss of business. The demand of security guards with SIA license, who are trained in conflict management, has increased due to this reason. It has been outlined by the SIA that security operatives have to be properly trained in conflict resolution and physical intervention. This type of training is going to ensure effective security operations at any property.

You will receive a Level-3 Award in Delivery of Physical Intervention and Level-3 Award in Delivery of Conflict Management after completing any of the SIA approved courses. After completing the Conflict management course –

  • You will understand the principles of conflict management.
  • You can evaluate and lower the risk of violence at any type work environment.
  • You can determine what type of behaviour indicates an escalation towards the violence and you learn how to defuse the situation in this scenario or to avoid violence.
  • You learn to identify the post-incident support.
  • You learn to report the circumstances and offer information for personal and organisational learning.

Once you complete the SIA Trainer Conflict Management Course, you will

  • Feel more confident about dealing with any type of aggression or violence since you can easily identify the triggers for violent and aggressive behaviours
  • Understand how health and safety issues regarding the aggression and violence in the work place can affect others
  • Understand de-escalating and diffusing the conflict is the correct way to deal with a potentially aggressive or violent scenario

It’s important to understand that a dispute may occur at any moment. It may arise at a workplace or at a populated area where bystanders may be at risk due to the unrest. It may result from a misunderstanding or from an argument between two individuals or several people. It may build up from smaller events. Thus, it’s essential for the security operatives to be trained in conflict management. It enables them to readily detect and properly handle as well as resolve any type of conflict and maintain security and calm at the premises.

AlzbetaBerka, provides effective guidance to the candidates, those who want to be a certified teacher by completing level 3 aet in house training or ptlls train the trainer.

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